Danielle Alba

Full Stack Engineer

A Fullstack Web Developer with a passion for building, fixing and creating. I aim for mastery, and am always reaching to improve. With a background in team management and operations, my approach in life is collaborative problem solving. My goal is to add value to whatever project or team I am apart of

See my work


Here are some of the projects I've worked on. As they progress I will add demo videos and links to deployed projects. If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me!


Users can generate random creative writing prompts, write and save their work, as well as edit those pieces- to help foster creativity. Written with Javascript/ Redux for state management + Utilized React Router for clearer page distinction + Built a custom API with rails + Protected with BCrypt Password Authentication + Designed with custome CSS. demo video soon to come!


Users can search and 'favorite' the shows they like, + Utilized React Router for clearer page distinction + third party API + Protected with BCrypt Password Authentication + Designed with custome CSS

Tree Hugger

User in NYC can see the types of trees the city has planted in their neighborhood by block or street or neighborhood. + Built with Javascript/ React for state managment + Utilize React Router for clearer page distinction + Designed with custom CSS


Users can choose an alien avatar and pick planets to fill their own universe, as well as pick creatures to habitat those planets. + Built with Ruby on Rails + Protected with BCrypt Password Authentication + Designed with custom CSS

Pizza Rat

A user has to traverse through the subway to get enough slices of pizza, and then get on the train to make a clean get-away! + Built with vanilla javascript

Contact Me

Are you looking for a junior developer for your team? Are looking for other coders to chat with? Do you wanna jump into coding and not sure what steps to take next? Well then, lets connect!